Science and Technology Council 2015

Electronics club
Soldering on GPB completed
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Deepali Gupta on Electronics Part

We have finally completed the designing and soldering of GPB.

posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Vishal Rana on Programming-Data input

Follow the above tutorial. tried to install os headlessly.
Learnt the use of
- ip scaner.

posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Vishal Rana on Programming-Data input

After all this to move to raspberry pi. Started working on raspberry.
Watched these tutorials about Rpi.
- />-


Finished the design.

Have a look.

posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Vishal Rana on Programming-Data input

Watched some other tutorial videos and start working on the design.

- />- />- />- />-


Discuss the design with seniors and other issues like the flowing of sand.

Condensed the gcb further
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Raghav Mittal on Smart Plug

Made another circuit which is far more compact and can be easily placed in the small enclosure we've planned for the plug.

Established a Web server on the pi
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Raghav Mittal on Smart Plug

Downloaded Apache 2, php5 and Myself on the pi. Subsequently we tried accessing the Webpage created on the pi from another system through the server we had established. Thankfully, we were able to send data across.

Continuous recognization and application of gestures
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Shubham Sharma on Hand gesture recognization using IMU sensor

After too many attempts and playing wid pause function we are able to recognize gestures one after another wid above 95% accuracy

Finally able to implement servo movement and face tracking together at a decent speed!
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Deepali Gupta on Electronics Part

10/6/2015: We have finally completed writing improving OpenCV and Arduino codes for neck movement mechanism and able to implement it at a decent speed. :)

android app developement
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by shivashish gupta on Smart Hand Shake

07/06/15 and 08/06/15
i am studying how to use rest API's in our android app to exchange data between the server and android app to maintain the privacy of the data .

Successfully measured current
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Kanishk Gandhi on The Plug

Measured the current of various AC appliances using the current sensor.

The plug is now on a GCB
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Kanishk Gandhi on The Plug

All the components were soldered onto a GCB.

posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Sunil Kumar Mishra on Smart Hand Shake

HTTP server is almost ready.The homepage link is given below:
Now this server will act as a backup server.
We are now learning python to create a server on the basis of django framework.

Made a Breakout board for all electrical connections
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Prateek Yadav on IoT Smart Lock

We have made a Breakout GPB board for all electrical connections to be rough n tough and for bringing modularity in the electrical connections and devices.

Using "Power Bank" as "Power Source" for control circuit
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Prateek Yadav on IoT Smart Lock

We have decided to use Power bank for control circuit Power supply. It will act as primary as well as secondary power source (in case of electricity supply failure).

Completed AutoCAD design for Servo mount and Sytem Protection cover
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Prateek Yadav on IoT Smart Lock

We will be using aluminium sheet [3mm] for servo mount and 2mm sheet for circuit, overall system cover and 1mm thick sheet for protection case for Finger print sensor.

Circuit design
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Prawaan singh on hardware

Successfully detected handshake happening through accelerometer.
Now we are completed with the integration of bluetooth module with the android app, the module is able to send data to app. The Arduinos are able to exchange data through IR transmission.
The accelerometer is able to detect the handshake and triggor the bluetooth module to send data to app.
We collected the data from the accelerometer while shaking hands for 70 seconds , it gave us enough data points to plot a graph showing variation of acceleration in Y direction i.e. the vertical direction (graph attached). The initial part of graph shows handshake at faster pace and the later part shows handshake at a milder pace.

We have made two prototypes with the circuit on bread board.
All is functioning well as for now.

posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Sunil Kumar Mishra on Smart Hand Shake

We have tried creating a http server and protected it with passwords(screenshots attached). But a html page is required to be made for every person with the band.
So, now we are trying to follow django framework. We have started learning python to implement that.
We are also going through the django tutorials on youtube. Most probably a basic server will be ready by 2-3 days.

Round two of testing and live streaming
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Ritwik Bera on IoT Smart Lock

Successfully implemented live streaming of video over web using codes written in Python based on Flask.
Also completed testing of system. Improvements include: simultaneous enroll of fingerprints from web. Flaws in execution removed. Also logs and search show names of people instead of their fingerprint ids

Learnt how to post data to server
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Nishit Asnani on Smart Plug

Using Python, I've learnt how to post data from input on an html page to a server using a server-side script.

posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Prawaan singh on Smart Hand Shake

Exchanged data with the android app via Bluetooth module.
We faced a problem regarding connecting Bluetooth module with arduino.
* Use potential divider while connecting Vcc of Module with the 5V Arduino pin.

posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Prawaan singh on Smart Hand Shake

We have collected the handshake raw data from the accelerometer , now we are designing an algorithm to detect when a handshake has happened.

android app developement
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by shivashish gupta on Smart Hand Shake

we have successfully taken data from arduino into our android app via bluetooth.
now we are working on how to process that data further.

ECHO effect
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Ganesh Seelam on FPGA Based Audio Effects Processor

Written a program to implement using ECHO effect,but noise increased.Working to get better

Understood the Neural Network Pattern recognization algorithm and applied it to recognize simple right,left,up and down gestures
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Shubham Sharma on Machine Learning

Using features like mean,mode,std and variance of gestures left,right,up and down the system is trained and we are getting very close results on new data

Final Face
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Himanshu Kumar on Structure of Face

final face without jaw and lip mechanism but has to be calibrated according to their respective measurements.

Final Design
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Rohit Gupta on Visualization

Resolved bugs
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Ritwik Bera on IoT Smart Lock

Resolved some bugs in arduino pi interfacing related to type conversions. Prepared a demo code for live video streaming

Support and rotation of disc.
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by vijayraj ghadge on Visualization

The upper disc will be rotated using stepper motor with dimension 42.3 mm*42.3 mm*65 mm.
The disc will be attached to stepper with the help of collar(upper circular surface of collar will be of 6 cm diameter,and width 6 mm ). Also the rotatory disc will be supported by 3 or 4 caster wheels which are mounted on a disc, which rests on cylindrical support with the help of bolts. The stepper motor will be placed inside central supporting cylinder with the help of circular disc.

[03-06-15] Made actual neck mechanism.
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Shyam Gole on Neck Mechanism

We went to 4i lab and cut the job. And tried to make actual neck mechanism with servos.

[02-06-15] Made design of neck mechanism in Autocad.
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Shyam Gole on Neck Mechanism

Made neck design in Autocad.

[03/06/2015] Serial Communication
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Rohit Gupta on Programming-Data input

Write simple python and arduino code to test the communication.
For serial communication you may have to download pyserial

[02/06/2015] Learn About Serial Communication
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Rohit Gupta on Programming-Data input

Try to figure out how we can communicate the output of the python code to the arduino.
Learn about serial communication

[01/06/2015] Union
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Rohit Gupta on Programming-Data input

Combined the two parts i.e. the tweets with the analysis part
And finally able to process tweets in real time
Also generate a rating for the emotions

Connecting the pi to the Internet
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Raghav Mittal on Smart Plug

Through the ethernet port, using a lan cable, we tried accessing the Web but all in vain. For the same purpose we tried several ip addresses, gateways and dns without any of them getting accepted.

Booting raspberry pi
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Raghav Mittal on Smart Plug

Configured the pi and booted it with Raspbian as the OS

Audio playback on speakers after storing it on RAM
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Pratik Bhangale on FPGA Based Audio Effects Processor

Too much of noise though.

Mouse cursor control visualisation using IMU
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Shubham Sharma on Hand gesture recognization using IMU sensor

By importing java.awt.robot we controlled the mouse pointer in 2-dimensions using values of yaw and pitch

Sensor tested with processing
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Shubham Sharma on Hand gesture recognization using IMU sensor

With the help of processing we have tracked the sensor.

Displaying data from database
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Kanishk Gandhi on Communicate with Client

Displayed data from database in the form of a table.
Working on displaying it as a graph.

Made a database in Mysql
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Kanishk Gandhi on Communicate with Device

Can use a get request to write data to a database with parameters like id current and time

reducing noise of the ACS 712
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Kanishk Gandhi on Measuring Power

Followed the tutorial on this />link. Also reffered to the documentation.

#2/6/15 Started learning coding for MBed

Razor IMU
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Shubham Sharma on Hand gesture recognization using IMU sensor

Got stable readings from Razor IMU after converting 5V FTDI to 3.3V and plotted graphs in matlab

#02/06/2015 Started breadboarding.
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Krutika K on Electronics

Created in-amp and filter circuits on breadboard.

posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Sunil Kumar Mishra on Smart Hand Shake

Implementing ways to create a server using google drive, still privacy is a major concern.
Finding ways to solve the issue.

Created code in python for face detection using OpenCV
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Kritagya Dabi on Electronics Part

02/06/15 - Created a code in python which can detect the human faces from webcam and trace them using OpenCV
for this we took help from the tutorial and

android app developement
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by shivashish gupta on Smart Hand Shake

i am currently searching for how to exchange data between our android app an d the server.

posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Shubham Sharma on Hand gesture recognization using IMU sensor

Extracted the value of roll,pitch and yaw in real time and plotted different graphs in matlab

Learning python
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Krutika K on Programming

Learning python from codeacemy.

#01/06/2015 : In-amps and precision rectifier
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Krutika K on Electronics

Completed studying about instrumentation amplifiers and precision rectifier.

Started learning OpenCV
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Kritagya Dabi on Electronics Part

01/06/15 - We started learning how to use OpenCV for face tracking from YouTube tutorial videos

details regarding the image of the actual model
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Abhishek Raj on Visualization

tomorrow , we will be starting with the making of the model on inventor. it will take us day or two to complete it. I will explain the model with illustrations tomorrow in club.

modification of the mechanism
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Abhishek Raj on Visualization

instead of frustum containers, we will be using cylindrical containers of relatively smaller dimension, which are actually available in the market. The lower surface of the cylinder will be porous(holes large enough to pass colored sand). and a metallic sheet will be just in contact. a metallic strap will be attached to the metallic disk near the periphery. the strap protrudes both the sides of the cylinder. one end will be temporarily hinged with a linear actuator and the other end will be attached to a torsional spring, so when the linear actuator moves back, the temporary hinge is lost, so the torsional spring restore the disk such that it again covers the lower surface of the container and the sand stops falling.
Also for the support of the upper disk, we have devised ball bearing mechanism , that is efficient and will ensure proper rotation of the upper disk with stability.

about availability of materials.
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by vijayraj ghadge on Visualization

Abhishek and I went to the market and bought acrylic sheet of 2*2 sq-ft. with 4 mm thickness.
We confirmed that cylinders of required dimensions are available in the market. Also we came to know that the cone, which we were using in the main transparent cylinder is not available.

[01-06-15] Made new mechanism for neck.
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Shyam Gole on Neck Mechanism

[30-05-15] Made mechanism for neck
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Shyam Gole on Neck Mechanism

Made rod mechanism for neck.

Interface between arduino and matlab
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Shubham Sharma on Hand gesture recognization using IMU sensor

Downloaded the Arduino support software package from Then done editing in AHRS firmware in Arduino to make changes in the output on the serial monitor. Then stored data in matrix in MATLAB.

posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Pratik Bhangale on FPGA Based Audio Effects Processor

This can help :

Created RAM
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Pratik Bhangale on FPGA Based Audio Effects Processor

Created RAM on MOJO using core generator, read it, write it !

[31/05/2015] Pickle Library
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Vishal Rana on Programming-Data input

It is a real pain to train the data-set each time the classifier is run.(30-40 minutes of training time). Thankfully we came across a solution to overcome this problem using the pickle library.

[30/05/2015] Full Training Set
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Vishal Rana on Programming-Data input

We repeated yesterday's exercise with a big training set. It was really frustrating since it took around 30-40 min to train the classifier every time. But the results were quite accurate. Again the data file has been uploaded.

[29/05/2015] Small Training Set
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Vishal Rana on Programming-Data input

With a small training set of around 10 tweets we tried to classify some manually entered sentences. The results were not satisfactory, as expected, since the training set was very very insufficient. We will upload this training set for reference.

[28/05/2015] Naive Bayes Classifier
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Vishal Rana on Programming-Data input

After deciding that with the amount of data we will have at our disposal, Naive Bayes Classifier will be well suited for our purpose, we went through a few lectures to understand the working logic behind the classification.

Some parts of following wiki page gave useful explanation

Face making
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Himanshu Kumar on Social Bot

Read about some circuit safety issues and Gear ratios
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Prateek Yadav on IoT Smart Lock

We learnt about some ways to make our circuit safe. Like using of Caps on power lines of servo, not using diode for Back EMF from servo as diodes are already on servo's feedback chip.
Servos only rotate 180 degrees ,we have decided to use Gears in ratio such that the knob rotation will be completely done in 180 degree rotation of the servo.

ir sensors
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Gaurav sharma on hardware

in last two days we have been working on the ir receivers n sensors.
how to send the data as well as receive the data was our objective.
we use ir led n tsop to transmit n receive the data.
we use the library to get the transmit n receiveing code.

android ap developement
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by shivashish gupta on Smart Hand Shake

I have learnt how to make the basic interface and also how to receive data from arduino via Bluetooth. Thin will try and implement it.
Also I will be searching of how to Exchange data between app and server.

More user interactive app
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Vikulp Bansal on IoT Smart Lock

Successfully opened the HTML pages in the app activity by using the intent and webview class.
Also enabled some other settings to make it work like a browser.

mechanism to lift the disk lock.
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Abhishek Raj on Visualization

we will be using rack and pinion mechanism. the gears would be attached to the side stand. The circular gear would be rotated by 60 rpm motor, controlled by a switch, attached to the bottom of the base. Our top containers will be kind of frustum shape, the lower base being the smaller diametre, such that disk of the same diametre as that of the lower base will just fit in ton lock the container. With the gear mechanism, the disk is lifted to drop the sand slowly from the side.

The base of the model.
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Abhishek Raj on Visualization

We have created the base of our model, using autodesk fusion,360. To make the sand layers uniform , we have added a conical barrier in the bottom container. I am attaching the image of the base of the model.

The base of the model.
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Abhishek Raj on Visualization

We have created the base of our model, using autodesk fusion,360. To make the sand layers uniform , we have added a conical barrier in the bottom container. I am attaching the image of the base of the model.

Infrared and Bluetooth
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Prawaan singh on hardware

In the past week we tried to establish a communication link between 2 Arduinos and Arduino-Android via
Infrared and bluetooth respectively.

Bluetooth : We made a simple circuit using bluetooth module and Arduino UNO . Using and app we turned any output pin high or low and we were able to read any input pin from the arduino.
We were also able to give analog inputs to PWM pins through the app.

Infrared : We tried to control our arduino with a standered 38Khz modulated IR TV remote.
We used the open source IR library to do processing of demodulating the carrier wave and converting it into a 0s and 1s bit stream of data.
The link to library that we initially used is

The blogs that helped us in building and explaining the curcuit are

I studied the predefined routines and protocols that were prewritten in the library files but it didnot turn out to be much of a success.
The sensor was un able to pickup the raw IR data from the TV remote.

So, leaving behind the idea of using the prewritten library for transmitting data, I started studying IR Transfer protocols from />This site easily explains various protocols and modulation methods that are used.

Studying various protocols I found NEC protocol easy to be implemented and code on an arduino from scratch rather than using prewritten library.
I have written the NEC protocol code to transmit a 4 byte data from IR LED.

I'm currently working on to write code and circuit to detect the sent data on the other arduino.

for the last two days,we have been working on bluetooth module and ir sensors.

we use the bluetooth module to control the on/off of led using the arduino and android app.
we also studied about ir protocols and how they can be use to exchange the data between two systems.

Studied an open source project BOT - FRITZ by xyzbots
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Deepali Gupta on Electronics Part


Continued Programming with Python and tested Speech and text API
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Deepali Gupta on Electronics Part

27/5/15:Continued Programming and obtained reply(in form of text) from a chatbox using speech recognition and also made two online chatboxes chat with each other.

Continued with programming on python and tried to run google API
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Deepali Gupta on Electronics Part

26/05/2015:Tried speech recognintion on google API

Started Learning Python
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Deepali Gupta on Electronics Part

The Electronics Team members started learning Python as electronics part is going to need it in future in image processing

Serial Communication
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Deepali Gupta on Electronics Part

Watched Tutorial on serial communiaction
Tested serial communication between Arduino and System

Tested Servo Motor
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Deepali Gupta on Electronics Part

Tested Servo motor by running a code on Arduino Mega 2560

Watched Arduino Tutorials
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Deepali Gupta on Electronics Part

Watched Arduino tutorials on Youtube by Jeremy Blum

android app developement
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by shivashish gupta on Smart Hand Shake

29/05/15 and 30/05/15 :
in these two days i learned about using the threads and the "async tasks" which are used to handle the program in the background without affecting the user interface. i also learnt how to modify our app into the web browser and send e-mails from our app.
currently i am learning about the SQLite database.

Function worked correctly.
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Afroz Alam on Programming

The function was working the way it was supposed to.Now we'll be different ways to optimise and add more features that need to be extracted.

posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Pratik Bhangale on FPGA Based Audio Effects Processor

Took the audio input through 3.5 mm jack and changed the brightness of LEDS according to tune.
Successful in converting sound signal into digital!

android app development
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by vihang agarwal on Smart Hand Shake

in the past two days i learnt how use style and manifest in the android studio and the significance of screen density. also how to built an app for the web content.

Completed beta testing
posted 3 months ago by Ritwik Bera on IoT Smart Lock

Voila!! I completed full beta testing of the project today. Everything starting from serial communication from fingerprint scanner to database management to multiprocessing to web authentication and all other software things are working perfectly fine.
Hoping for Tushar and Prateek to get the mechanical part completed soon.
Only thing left is Wifi confuguration and port forwarding on the final router

Tried to make a function to extract feature .
posted 3 months ago by Afroz Alam on Programming

We tried to make a function that could easily extract features from given data but this attempt was unsuccessful. We try it again tomorrow.


Learnt about Serial Peripheral Interface(SPI),how to create RAM on fpga.Tried to take input from microphone into FPGA,but faced problems in amplifying.

[27-05-15] Tried to build face.
posted 3 months ago by Shyam Gole on Structure of Face

Tried to build face in fusion but couldn't make.

[26-05-15] Eye lid Mechanism
posted 3 months ago by Shyam Gole on Eyelid Mechanism

Studied Eyelid mechanism on youtube.

[25-05-15] Completed Jaw Mechanism
posted 3 months ago by Shyam Gole on Jaw Mechanism.

Completed Jaw Mechanism in fusion.

[28-05-15] Got Face from InMoov.
posted 3 months ago by Shyam Gole on Structure of Face

Found face on InMoov Website.

[24-05-15] Made mechanism for jaws.
posted 3 months ago by Shyam Gole on Jaw Mechanism.

Made mechanical part for jaw in fusion 360

[22-05-15] Studied Basic eye mechanism.
posted 3 months ago by Shyam Gole on eye mech

Watched basic eye mechanism on youtube.

And tried making some design in Fusion 360.

[23-05-15] Tried to make eyes
posted 3 months ago by Shyam Gole on eye mech

Build Eyes in Fusion as given in CGI model.

posted 3 months ago by Nayan Deshmukh on Programming

google speech api allows only 50 requests per user per day so we need to find another api maybe offline.

find other speech api-26-5-15
posted 3 months ago by Nayan Deshmukh on Programming

tried other speech to text api's like palaver, dragonfly and some other no success.

connecting chatterbot api and google speech api-24-5-15
posted 3 months ago by Nayan Deshmukh on Programming

made a program in python which used recorded our voice converted it to text and then send it to and retrieve the answer and display it. It worked fine for some time but then it stopped.

chatterbot api-23-5-15
posted 3 months ago by Nayan Deshmukh on Programming

used chatterbot api which sends information to and retrives the information. It worked fine and was fast.

using PiAUISuite-22-5-15
posted 3 months ago by Nayan Deshmukh on Programming

used piauisuite by steven hickson but was not entertaining more requests than a specified.

posted 3 months ago by Nayan Deshmukh on Programming

tried using google speech api to convert speech to text no success

eye mech
posted 3 months ago by Ranginrni Kartheek on eye mech

completed integration of servos into basic design

android app developement
posted 3 months ago by shivashish gupta on Smart Hand Shake

today i learned about how to create the basic interface of the android app and planned ow it would be usefull for our project. i wil try and implement it in our project.

Successfully predicted data from trained set after extracting features.
posted 3 months ago by Afroz Alam on Programming

Features extracted : maximum,minimum, mean value, variance and root mean square.

Complementary Filters

As gyroscope data is stable in short time and drifts in long interval due to repeated integration,
high pass filter should be applied to it.
Moreover as accelerometer data is stable in long run low pass filters sholud be applied to it.
therefore complementary filters should be used which apply filter to both data and give filtered data as accurate as compared Kalman Filters which have much complex mathematics behind them.

Completed MOJO tutorials

# 27-05-2015
Read all the tutorials on EMBEDDED MICRO.. But many questions are still to be answered!

android app development
posted 3 months ago by vihang agarwal on Smart Hand Shake

26/05/2015 :
today i learned how to debug an android app and use of state diagrams in it. also how to use Bluetooth API's in an android app as well as enhancing the user interface in the app.

posted 3 months ago by Sagar Chand on Electronics

After 2 failed attempts of creating Band pass filter, it was completed and worked properly the third time with results as expected. ;)

Neural Networks
posted 3 months ago by Nishit Asnani on Chatbot Project

These are fun but complex!

#26/05/2015 : Tested filter circuits on DSO.
posted 3 months ago by Krutika K on Electronics

All the circuits worked successfully.

Machine Learning Classifier
posted 3 months ago by Vishal Rana on Programming-Data input

Choosing a machine learning classifier

Machine Learning
posted 3 months ago by Vishal Rana on Programming-Data input

Sentiment Analysis Using Machine Learning Algorithm

Face making
posted 3 months ago by Himanshu Kumar on Social Bot

Learning basics of fusion 360.

Learnt the basics of setting up a pi
posted 3 months ago by Kanishk Gandhi on Server Side

Learnt the basics of setting up a pi and using it and also got to know more about how to run the device. Also learnt to download and set up an apache server with PHP and SQL on pi.

Learnt about Bootstrap
posted 3 months ago by Kanishk Gandhi on Website

Bootstrap is a framework that helps in creating web pages, so that a seamless experience can be created across devices of varied screen sizes.

Basic layout created
posted 3 months ago by Kanishk Gandhi on Website

The basic layout of the website was created in HTML and CSS.

Connected ESP to Arduino
posted 3 months ago by Kanishk Gandhi on Connecting a Sheild

We Connected the ESP to the Arduino using a voltage divider circuit as the ESP works on 3.3V while the Arduino on 5V. Using this was necessary as the ESP draws a lot of power. Connecting directly could cause damage to both the ESP and the Arduino

Mounted ESP to breadboard
posted 3 months ago by Kanishk Gandhi on Connecting a Sheild

Mounted an ESP to the breadboard using a simple hack by using and soldering two headers.


learnt about metastability,debouncing and ways to prevent them,but failed to implement them on mojo through verilog code.

PWM,Analog inputs to FPGA,changing brightness of LED

Visualised PWM concept on MOJO board through brightness of LED using analog input pins,potentiometer,AVR on-board microcontroller.AVR microcontroller helps in sampling given analog signal and converts it into digital signal.To be exact about it,it converts given analog signal into 10bit wide digital signal which is further used to produce PWM signal.

Analog Input through potentionmeter

Turned on LED when last bit of converted Digital signal is 0 and turn off for 1. Successfully done (y).
Trying for varying brightness of LED from potentiometer output.

posted 3 months ago by Sanjay Ramesh on Smart Hand Shake

We have been searching for what we can do with SQL. We are yet to decide whether to use sql or ftp. We dont know yet how we are going to send the data.

android app developement
posted 3 months ago by shivashish gupta on Smart Hand Shake

26/05/15 :
i am studiyng about how to relate the android app with the server.
hope to find solution soon

implemented adder circuit on mojo board.

there are 8 on-board led's and a reset button on mojo board.relating these 8 LED's as 8 consecutive bits(1 byte ),our aim is to add 1 to this byte on every reset button press.

Fingerprint scanner
posted 3 months ago by Ritwik Bera on IoT Smart Lock

Completed perfectly fine working codes for interfacing our biometic fingerprint scaner with Arduino to enroll fingerprints in the flash memory and also match them.
Also certain issues regarding multiple file handling, Unicode ASCII format mismatch in JSON were resolved.

Successfully used neural network tool box.
posted 3 months ago by Afroz Alam on Programming

Using the raw EMG data previously downloaded, we were successfully able to train the machine.

Making a app
posted 3 months ago by Vikulp Bansal on IoT Smart Lock

It is difficult for coordies to enter IP address into a web browser again and again to see the timings of the other students.So,we have planned to make a app that provide the links to open those web pages.Upto now, we have made an basic app which is able to open the HTML pages into the web browser.

#24/5/15: Matlab - Neural Network Tool
posted 3 months ago by Afroz Alam on Programming

Understanding the neural network toolbox in matlab which will help us in classifying data.

#24/05/2015 Circuit simulation in LTspice
posted 3 months ago by Krutika K on Electronics

Tried filter(active : lowpass and highpass) circuits in LTspice.

posted 3 months ago by vihang agarwal on app development

today i learned how to add buttons to an app, access different sources through them, using any type of file(image, media file, text etc.). also how to access internet through the buttons and how to make the app available to the users and install-able on any device.

posted 3 months ago by Sunil Kumar Mishra on Smart Hand Shake
We are trying different methods for creating servers. Till now we have tested two different methods i.e. one by avoiderrors method and by filezilla method. But the server is working well on mobile network such as doongle but is facing problems in lan and wifi networks. So, we are trying to solve these issues.
We are also learning about the role of 'sql code' in creating a server.

Configuring ESP
posted 3 months ago by Kanishk Gandhi on Connecting a Sheild

Read about the different libraries and procedures of configuring an ESP with an Arduino

Learnt Calculating Current
posted 3 months ago by Kanishk Gandhi on Measuring Power

On reading the documentation of the current sensor, we learnt the way to convert the sensor readings to the current ones.

Basics of Current Sensor Cleared
posted 3 months ago by Kanishk Gandhi on Measuring Power

Read the working of a Hall Effect Current Sensor ( example: ACS 712)

A DPDT relay was successfully connected
posted 3 months ago by Kanishk Gandhi on Connecting a relay

A relay was connect and waas used to operate an AC Bulb

Basic Apache server on Linux created
posted 3 months ago by Kanishk Gandhi on Server Side

An apache server (local server was created. A need for learning port forwarding exists. So started reading about port forwarding.

posted 3 months ago by vihang agarwal on app development

i learned how to use images in an app which are taken from a camera or already present. also how to modify the layout of the images and the text used and how to localize an app. i have to learn how to develop a user friendly interface and maintain a database.

posted 3 months ago by Gaurav sharma on Smart Hand Shake
I read about the acclerometers n how to interface them with the arduino.

android app developement
posted 3 months ago by shivashish gupta on Smart Hand Shake

i am studying how to access and send data to the server

android app developement
posted 3 months ago by shivashish gupta on Smart Hand Shake

i learnt how to connect the app with the camera, click photos from camera and those can be shown in the app.
i have read about how to make the basic interface of the app.

Creating a basic server
posted 3 months ago by Sunil Kumar Mishra on Smart Hand Shake
We learnt the basics about how to create a FTP server in windows 8/8.1 .
We are still searching for the possibilities of HTTP server and after comparing both the types, we will decide which one will be best for our purpose.

Exporting data from arduino.

We are in search for a software which will export data from Arduino serial monitor and which is compactible with Arduino 0023 version as our firmware will work only in this version.

posted 3 months ago by Jishant Singh on EMG : Hand Gesture Recognition

Tested the active high pass filter successfully but failed in the low pass filter. Studied the previously built related circuits.

Making plots on matlab
posted 3 months ago by Afroz Alam on Programming

Usinng raw data online, we plotted graphs and tried to extract features. Statistical features like maximum,minimum, mean value, variance, signal length and root mean square may be helpful.

Text Analysis
posted 3 months ago by Rohit Gupta on Programming-Data input

posted 3 months ago by Ritwik Bera on IoT Smart Lock

Successfully implemented multithreading in Linux Raspbian OS to run two python script simultaneously, one foracting as a web server another for serial communication with arduino

Raspberry Pi multi-threading

Our task required to run two python scripts at the same time on raspberry pi. One script ran the flask framework to use it as webserver and another script is used to communicate with arduino over serial communication.

Position of Electrodes
posted 3 months ago by Afroz Alam on EMG : Hand Gesture Recognition

All three electrodes are situated in a line in the middle of
the forearm parallel to the length of the forearm muscle


Read about complementary filters.
Also learnt how to apply DLPF in MPU6050.

How to use pins on board.


Learning about audio signals and XILINX board

# 23-05-2015
Read the theory about converting audio to digital and filtering it. Document can be found under files section. I think I can turn on that old XILINX boards

Read Excel files with Python
posted 3 months ago by Rohit Gupta on Programming-Data input

How to read Excel files with Python (xlrd tutorial)

Studying Algorithms
posted 3 months ago by Afroz Alam on Programming

Seen lectures on Neural Networks from coursera website.

#22/05/2015 : Testing op amp circuits and started learning PCB designing.
posted 3 months ago by Krutika K on Electronics

Tested various op amp circuits(inverting, non-inverting, etc). Finally the circuits ran successfully. Also started learning PCB designing(Eagle).

Implement counter on mojo fpga using reset buton

Unfortunately haven' completed today,tried a lot but many errors.
in the process of learning verilog.

LED blinking on MOJO.
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Pratik Bhangale on FPGA Based Audio Effects Processor

# 22-05-2015
Blinked a led on MOJO board and learned to merge two different modules. @Video can be seen under Files.

The Stanford Parser: A statistical parser
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Rohit Gupta on Programming-Data input

Basics to Grab Data with Python
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Rohit Gupta on Programming-Data input

Visualising Twiiter Hashtag in Excel
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Rohit Gupta on Programming-Data input

Visualizing Social Network Data based on Twitter #Hashtag using NodeXL

Twitter Data Mining
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Rohit Gupta on Programming-Data input

posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Tushar Agarwal on Mechanical Lock

We using godrej lock for our project. The lock is controlled from one side via key(this part will face outside the club door) another via lock(this part with be inside club). We will designing a suitable mechanism for controlling knob via servo. One way is to mount a gear to knob and another gear to servo, them the gears will be meshed. This mechanism will also help us to get the desired torque for rotating knob by changing gear ratios.

posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Tushar Agarwal on Raspberry Pi - Internet Interfacing

We used python Net framework "Flask" to use our Pi as a web server. A website was also created which asked for user login and password. We were success fully able to get the data, entered in website, printed on terminal. The HTML script and python script were interfacing with each other using jinja2. Later we linked pi to arduino via serial communication and controlled servo. Thus whole pathway of controlling servo's from website i.e, : Website(HTML code) to R-Pi(python script) to arduino (arduino sketch) to servo, was successfully tested.

posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Tushar Agarwal on Raspberry Pi - Arduino Interfacing

We wrote a python code Pi to give and recieve serial data from arduino, and also wrote an arduino sketch. We were successfully able to control leds and servo by giving instructions via python code.

Creating basic op amp circuits.
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Krutika K on Electronics

Trying out various op amp circuits and testing them using DSO. Also learning about active filters.

Studying EMG Data of different muscles
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Afroz Alam on Programming

Used the above link to study patterns of muscle pulse inputs.

Created first MOJO project
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Pratik Bhangale on FPGA Based Audio Effects Processor

# 21-05-2015
Using reset button on MOJO board turning on LED's. Also learning about basics of VERILOG.

Astronomy Club
work on 21/6/2015
posted 2 months ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

with our project completed, we worked on poster and presentations.

work on 20/6/2015
posted 2 months ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we went for a night trip to shoban mandir with club seniors. we made observations there

work on 19/6/2015
posted 2 months ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we recorded data from 11:30 to 13:00 hrs.we discussed the graph with club seniors . we have observed changes in amplitude of radio emissions from sun with time. we also observed that amplitude of radio emissions over a certain frequency range is somewhat constant with small peaks at certain frequencies.

17 June
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

During the SnT Evaluation, we were given an idea that we must calculate the semi-major axis of each planet's orbit. We worked out that we could do it, by utilizing the The Third Law of Kepler, and translating the information available, into a form that can be used in our calculations. We proceeded on to make a spreadsheet and feeding all the data, we had calculated in it.

16 June
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

Upon exploring the APOGEE-2 link on the SDSS website , we found out that APOGEE-2 covers 14,000 stars in the Kepler field of view. Upon searching some more for the data we found out that APOGEE has arranged its data according to its Apogee ID and unfortunately we were unable to establish a relation between the Apogee IDs and the Kepler IDs.
We are looking for other ways around the APOGEE-2 data.

15 June
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

We pondered on the possibility of calculating mass of planet , inclination and obliquity of its orbit . Since mass cannot be obtained from a light curve, we had to expand the domain of our project to look for data from other sources regarding other planet hunting techniques, like radial velocity method , astrometry and spectral analysis.
We came across a program APOGEE-2 on a website of SDSS ( Sloan Digital Sky Survey) ( />It claimed to provide archive data by radial velocity method and spectroscopy for 300,000 stars in different regions of sky.
We are yet to explore it.

14 June

We had our SnT level project evaluation today. We briefed them about our project's motive and progress.
We also discussed about any future possibilities of extending the project's aim as our current aim was near to completion.

13 June
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

We had our club level evaluation today.
We also had star-gazing-cum-observation session for the remaining time.
No significant work on the project was done today.

work on 18/6/2015
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we recorded radio waves from sun between 13:00 to 14:00 hrs.

work on 17/6/2015
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we started collecting data and recording it using speclab. we recorded radio waves emmited from hand.

work on 16/6/2015
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we went to the market for a stand to support our antenna. we bought it and fixed it with the antenna. in this way our radio telescope got ready. we are now ready to collect data from radio source and record it.

work on 15/6/2015
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we then searched for a software to record the signals recieved from the reciever. we came across two software - radio sky pipe and speclab. we read about two. and decided to use speclab as it was more user friendly.

work on 14/6/2015
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we connected the audio jack parallel to the buzzer . then attached stereo cable to the audio jack

posted 2 months, 1 week ago by ranjith mudimadugula on Celestron Auto Focuser

Went to Tinkering lab and made mount of stepper motor and checked new stepper motor driver by connecting it to motor and computer through arduino uno.
However connection was not successful.

posted 2 months, 1 week ago by ranjith mudimadugula on Celestron Auto Focuser

Went to Tinkering lab and took time for making mount of stepper motor.

posted 2 months, 1 week ago by ranjith mudimadugula on Celestron Auto Focuser

Went to market to purchase driver for stepper motor, gears .

posted 2 months, 1 week ago by ranjith mudimadugula on Celestron Auto Focuser

Went to the observatory and installed DDw, team viewer to remotely control observatory.
We were successful to control it.

posted 2 months, 1 week ago by ranjith mudimadugula on Celestron Auto Focuser

Observation session and planetarium show conducted for the visitors.

work on 13/6/2015
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we worked on lose connections .we used better connectors this time . the connection was established as done previously. we added a switch between our power source to provide power as and when necessary. instead of Li ion batteries we used 2 9V batteries and battery holder to add stability to our power connection. we then checked the connection by placing our hand infront of it. we were overwhelmed to hear the sound of the buzzer. our telescope could detect the radio signal. next we have to connect it to PC using audio cable.

12 June
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

We analysed the following stars for extracting data-

11 June
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

We analysed the following stars for extracting data-

work on 12/6/2015
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we tested our dish connection by aligning it wit the existing dish antenna at hall2 canteen. as expected everything went well. the buzzer buzzed indiating we could receive the satellite signals. we are now sure that the receiver and sattelite finder are ok. the issue was with the connection. we have to fix connection problem

work on 11/6/2015
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we went to market and bought the audio jack and audio cable..

work on 10/6/2015
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we called the cable operator to seek some help but he could not come as he was out of town for some days. hence, no work on the telescope could be done. we however read of modification in satellite finder. we need to replace the buzzer circuit by an audio jack and then to PC through the audio cable. so we decided to go to the market next day.

work on 9/6/2015
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we met at noon and focused on sun. but no buzzing sound was heard. we tried again and again but it didnot work. we met again in the evening and tried to fix the problem by tightening the connectors from cable but it didnot work . we then thought of testing it with existing dishes in the campus but we didnot get permission. so we decided to call the mechanic next day

work on 8/6/2015
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we have bought the batteries and connected it to the satellite finder. when we did so we heard a buzzing sound from the satellite finder when we placed our hand near the receiver. but after sometime no buzzing sound was heard on placing our hand near the receiver . we did not understand the reason for the malfunction. we thought it might work for solar radiations and decide to meet next day

9 June
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Vagish Choudhary on Kepler Mission

We had visitors to whom we showed our newly made planetarium show and also helped them observe the wonders lying in the sky, with the aid of telescopes.
We also analysed
Kepler ID 3825670 , 4180280 , 8506766, 9904059, 12105051

8 June
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Vagish Choudhary on Kepler Mission

We analysed Kepler 62d ( 3rd planet from its star )
We are trying to pin down Kepler 62 b / c / e / f from the same light curve.
Alongside we also analysed
Kepler ID 7778437
And Kepler ID 11974540

posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Mandeep Singh on Celestron Auto Focuser

Went to observatory and discussed about image extraction (which is in .fit format) from astroFX software of celestron telescope .
- Issues:
- No delay for the nob to rotate.
- Solution:
- Decided to take alternate photos.
Also take measurements of base platform for attachment of circuit board.
Discuss the feasibility of using Raspberry Pi instead of laptop.
- Issues:
- Not availability of AstroFx or similar software on ubuntu.
- Storage issues.
- Controlling the software for other computer on network.
- Solution:
- Decided not to use Raspberry Pi.

7 June
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

We were asked to make shows for our planetarium, and today was their presentation. Our shows were reviewed by club seniors.

6 June
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

We all were divided into groups and we had to present a small planetarium show, based on Stellarium.

posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Mandeep Singh on Celestron Auto Focuser

Planetarium show

posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Mandeep Singh on Celestron Auto Focuser

Performed live stellarium show

posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Mandeep Singh on Celestron Auto Focuser

Tested image processing code in C++ by making two images of big dipper (one focused and other unfocused by using GIMP in ubuntu) and program worked well.

5 June
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

We analysed the light curves of the following stars-

posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Mandeep Singh on Celestron Auto Focuser

Wrote a code for arduino and serial communication in C++.

Wrote a code to compare two images and find more focused image by calculating number of white pixels of binary image in C++.

work on 7/6/2015
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

having assembled parts of the antenna, we worked on wiring. we attatched cables to lnb and satellite finder. we were about to connect the battery , when we found that we were one battery short. we had four Li ion batteries summing 12 V . but we needed 15 V Dc source. hence we decided to buy Li ion battery and then connect it to the receiver part of sattelite finder. Later in the night we had planetarium shows.

work on 6/6/2015
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

having bought the equipment , we started work on it. we assembled parts of dish. the wiring is to left to be done which will be done tommorrow

4 June
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

We analysed the light curves and drew conclusions for stars with the foll the following Kepler Id's-

work on 5/6/2015
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we brought the components from the market. we are now ready to start the work on our design

work on 4/6/2015
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we received mail from proffesor BC Joshi suggesting improvements in our receiver design. he suggested use of butterworth filter instead of simple RC filter which has a poor roll off. we read about butterworth fiter , cutoff frequency of filter. we decided to use butterworth low pass filter followed by butterworth high pass filter for our band pass filter design.

31 May

We had astrophotography session , DSLR camera handling session.
We also had night sky observation session.
No significant work was done.

3 June
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

Studied the star Kepler-22. Analysed its light curve for the presence of Kepler 22 b ( planet just in its star's habitable zone of almost twice the size of earth with a period of 289 days ). The planet being one among the prime candidates for earth like exoplanets.
We also studied curves for several other systems :
-> 8056665
-> 6056992
-> 7199397
-> 8554498
-> 9527334

Work of 03/06/2015
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Tathagata Karmakar on Radio Telescope

No work related to project was done. We are waiting for components.

Work of 02/06/2015
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Tathagata Karmakar on Radio Telescope

We have already studied too much theory. So we considered that we will start working as soon as components arrive. Not much wok was done.

posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

Write simple python and arduino code to test the communication.
For serial communication you may have to download pyserial

Learn about histogram, and write code to draw the histogram of any particular image.

posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

Read more about Serial Communication.

Planetarium Workshop.

posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

Try to figure out how we can communicate the output of the python code to the arduino.
Learn about serial communication

Write a code of image thresholding using the trackbar but trackbar is not interacting with the output image window

2 June
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

We analysed Systems with the following Kepler IDs-

We have uploaded their reports as docs.

1 June
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

We analysed Systems with the following Kepler IDs-

We have uploaded their reports as docs.

It was hard to believe but most of the planets had orbital periods (The time to go around their sun, once) was LESS THAN 10 DAYS !!

work on 1/6/2015
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we came up with the idea of making a mount for the telescope. we thought of using three layers of plywood. the lower layer being fixed. we attach a srew to the upper layer and a bolt to the middle moving the nut over the bolt , we can ensure the circular movement of antenna.

work on 31/5/2015
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

No work on on the project was done. We made telescopic observations and were taught about astrophotography.

posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

Astro Photography Workshop

31 May
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

We had astrophotography and telescope handling sessions.

31 May
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

We had astrophotography and telescope handling sessions.

Work on 30/05/2015
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Tathagata Karmakar on Radio Telescope

Today we discussed among ourselves about the modifications we are planning to do. We were confused with receiver circuit(as how to use inductor and capacitors effectively). We considered taking help from prof. BC Joshi of NCRA. Here are some links:

30 May

We realized that this year's problem was much higher than the level we could work out. So we decided that we must contain ourselves to the first Problem Statement which was a bit easier than the others.

29 May

Nothing of much importance was done in context of this project.

30 May
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

We had an internet connection problem but still managed to analyse data for Kepler 3-b and Kepler 4-b and, as expected, the data values we calculated matched the generally accepted values, within a small margin of error.

29 May
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

We started the analysis of light curves of systems with confirmed exoplanets. We calculated the radii and transit duration for systems Kepler 1b and Kepler 2b, and found out that our calculated values matched quite well with the generally accepted values.

posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

Connect the motor using motor driver.
Write and run the code for the stepper motor. Able to control the motor (speed, no of steps)
Here is the simple code to test the motor :
Also this tutorial can help :

Read about pixels ad types of images - />Write a code of image thresholding -


Try to understand the complicated connections.
This article may help :

Read about basics of opencv and wrote basic code to read image using opencv

posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

Read and discussed this article about, Stepper motor and driver selection.

Decided To use
- Bipolar Stepper motor
- IC L298N based driver.

Opencv directories not working in Sublime text editor , tried to solve the issue. Finally decided to use terminal

posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

: Learned how stepper motor works.
Its basic controls and how we can exploits its properties.

:Installed ubuntu 14.04 and tried to install opencv directories using sublime text editor 2

work on 29/5/2015
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

having thought of a way to make our reciever , we started looking for the feasibility of our idea. we saw a video of 1420 MHz reciever.
seeing this video we were assured that our idea was somewhat correct. However, there was a problem with the amplifier, the noise that the circuitry produces will add to the signal even if external noise is filtered. The internal noise may depend on the thermal conditions and the circuit design. we discussed about this with our seniors. There was two ways left, either we buy a low noise amplifier or discuss it with some electronics proffesor. However , this is a part of some modifications , we had planned.our basic design is ready and we are prepared to work as the components arrive.

28 May

We tried to understand the problem statement of GTOC 8.

work on 28/5/2015
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

today we discussed about how to make our reciever. we saw videos about design of low pass filter, amplifier, frequency mixer. we came up with thw idea that if we pass the signal through an array of amplifier and low pass filter , we could extract the low frequency signals with our main focus on 1420 MHz signal at which we get 21 cm hydrogen line.After ward ,our seniors gave us some questions.

28 May
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

Found a web page showing many methods of analyzing light curves. We are now ready to analyse light curves

27 May

This year's Problem Statement was released today.
We read the problem description and tried to realize the intricacies of the problem.

27 May
posted 3 months ago by Kartikeya Srivastava on Kepler Mission

We found out way to interpret the data available from light curves to find out various properties of exoplanets viz. mass, radius, density etc.
We are quite ready to start analyzing stars on our own.

work on 27/5/2015
posted 3 months ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

today we discussed about modifications in our project. we thought to use 12 V Li acid battery as a power supply to power LNB and satellite finder.
we read about LNB modification
here are links from where we collected information:=

posted 3 months ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

Arduino Part:
Practiced two tutorials on arduino.
- PWM, function and buttons.
- And Electronic Basis like potentiometer, voltage regulator.

work on 26/5/2015
posted 3 months ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we recieved mail from professor BC Joshi. He said that the list of equipments we had mailed him were fine.However, he suggested us to make a simple ASRT at beginning and then go for some modifications. He suggested some. we are waiting for the components to arrive. meanwhile, we are discussing about the modifications. We had a club level evaluation . We were asked to increase our efficiency and read about the circuitry of the reciever we are planning to make on our own.

26 May
posted 3 months ago by Vagish Choudhary on Kepler Mission

We had a Club-Level evaluation of our projects, where we explained our progress and future plans for the project.

26 May

We had a Club-Level evaluation of our projects, where we explained our progress and future plans for the project.

work on 25/5/2015
posted 3 months ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

we were confused with the frequency range for radio astronomy and use of set top box in radio telescope. we discussed about it with seniors. still confused , we mailed to proffesor,BC Joshi asking solution to our problems.

25 May

We read the Lecture Notes of a course provided by MIT Open Course Ware - Astrodynamics (16.346 Fall 2008)<>

24 May

We read the Lecture Notes of a course provided by MIT Open Course Ware - Astrodynamics (16.346 Fall 2008)<>

25 May
posted 3 months ago by Vagish Choudhary on Kepler Mission

We analysed a few more light curves.

24 May
posted 3 months ago by Vagish Choudhary on Kepler Mission

We tried to analyse some light curves of stars we got from NASA's STSCI archive.

23 May
posted 3 months ago by Vagish Choudhary on Kepler Mission

We read documents related to Kepler Mission and got some insight into the functioning the space telescope.

posted 3 months ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

- Issued Arduino Project kit from the electronic club.
- Familiarise Ourselves with Arduino.
- Practiced by running some code on the Arduino.

posted 3 months ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

- Visited Observatory for analysing how the auto focuser can be attached to the telescope.
- Astro - Photography Workshop taken by Coordinators.
- Discussed Components that would be required for the projects.

posted 3 months ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

- Discussed about image processing part and decided to use opencv tool for the same.
- Setup opencv in our Laptops. />- Learn some basics of open cv

posted 3 months ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

- continue with Tutorial videos
Tutorial 04 for Arduino: Analog Inputs

Tutorial 05 for Arduino: Motors and Transistors

Tutorial 06 for Arduino: Serial Communication and Processing

posted 3 months ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

- install arduino software and drivers
- saw Jeremy Blum online tutorial
Tutorial 01 for Arduino: Getting Acquainted with Arduino

Tutorial 02 for Arduino: Buttons, PWM, and Functions

Tutorial 03 for Arduino: Electrical Engineering Basics

posted 3 months ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

- discussion about image processing with seniors
- saw Jeremy Blum tutorials about arduino -

posted 3 months ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

- project finalised and discussed with electronics club coordi and seniors
- read about auto focuser from-

posted 3 months ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

- read for auto focussing telescope, stellar dust simulation
- auto focus- (homemade focuser) (homemade focuser)
- formed abstract on Auto focuser

posted 3 months ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

- read for auto focussing telescope, stellar dust simulation
- auto focus- /> /> />
- stellar dust- />

Work of 24/5/2015

Today we searched for some books in astronomy. They are uploaded.
Not much work was done.

Work of 23/5/2015
posted 3 months ago by Tathagata Karmakar on Radio Telescope

1.Today we read about helical antenna radio telescope.
Not much resources are available in internet about it.
One useful link is
2. We realised that the we need to know more about frequency allocations.
3. Started searching about cables as we forgot to mention it in our list.
Resources not much available.

22 May
posted 3 months ago by Vagish Choudhary on Kepler Mission

All people presented their slideshows on different topics of their choice.

21 May
posted 3 months ago by Vagish Choudhary on Kepler Mission

Downloaded FITS files corresponding to the Kepler ID's of false positive candidates as well as confirmed candidates as observed the difference between their light curves.

20 May
posted 3 months ago by Vagish Choudhary on Kepler Mission

Visited and to see some sample light curves and analysed them.

19 May
posted 3 months ago by Vagish Choudhary on Kepler Mission

We viewed some online tutorials on using DS9 (Search YouTube for NITARP episode 2-DS9) and learned to manipulate
some images taken by large telescopes stored in FITS format.

18 May
posted 3 months ago by Vagish Choudhary on Kepler Mission

We browsed through the NASA Kepler website, from there we aimed to retrieve data from its server.
Website MAST Kepler holds onto a KOI's data. We sample searched random files and staged the archived fles on the server. Later downloaded the staged files via FTP.
As expected the downloaded files were of extension .FITS, threfore we downloaded NASA FV viewer help us handle those files.
We hovered through its interface to explore more of the file, but were unable to understand it fully.

23 May

We had a look on the fifth problem of GTOC and saw its answer as a simulation in a Youtube Video.<>

22 May

All the people gave presentations on topics of their choice.

21 May

Again, we switched back to discussing the intricacies of the first GTOC problem.

20 May

We researched some more topics related to interplanetary travel.

19 May

We tried the same problem as yesterday (Save the Earth). We read about the technical terms used in the problem.

18 May

Glanced over the first problem of GTOC (Problem 1 : Save the Earth). Thought of some possible scenarios for which the problem could be worked out, but couldn't reach a solution.

Servo vs Stepper
posted 3 months ago by Rohit Gupta on Celestron Auto Focuser

Servo control systems are best suited to high speed, high torque applications that involve dynamic load changes. Stepper control systems are less expensive and are optimal for applications that require low-to-medium acceleration, high holding torque, and the flexibility of open or closed loop operation.

We decided to use stepper motor

Radio telescope
posted 3 months ago by Mohit Tekriwal on Radio Telescope

Not much could be done due to internet problem.

there was presentatation in groups at club level. so no work was done on the project.

Work of 20/5/2015
posted 3 months ago by Tathagata Karmakar on Radio Telescope

Today we studied about individual components of radio telescope and made list of necessary components to be bought.Here are some sites we visited. (this was a very useful site)
As there may be doubts about components(as we had) all the websites that were quite useful are listed here.

Aero Modeling Club
Project completed.
posted 2 months ago by Ravish Raj on Programming

In our plane we have successfully applied PID on gyro, and accelerometer (roll and pitch axes). We are suitably changing values of proportionality constant to get optimum stabilization. We have also finished the code and installation of telemetry through MAVLink protocol. We are left with minor improvements in the circuit for improving efficiency and robustness.

Plane fabricated.
posted 2 months ago by Ravish Raj on Fabrication

Our plane has finally been fabricated and completed. Due to inability of pink foam we finalized a Styrofoam plane. This time we had made the fuselage hollow and it was lined with balsa wood to give it strength and rigidness. The hollow space is meant for battery, micro controller circuit and ESC. Small doors facilitate entry inside the hollow. There is a small styro mount at the center of the wing for placing the MPU-6050.

Day 38: 21/6/15
posted 2 months ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

We started the tuning over again, I(Sharun) flew the quadcopter today. Things went smooth we found the sweet spot for kP for the rate of roll and pitch. Then we moved on adjusting angle coefficients, much better performance today with angle coefficients. We also tried adding fourth order filter to the reciever values. The five point average for gyro values was also applied. Both these modifications led to delayed response, so they had to be rejected. After tuning for a while now, the graphs of setpoint and the gyro value seemed quite satifactory.

Day 37: 20/6/15
posted 2 months ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

We figured out the problem with our tuning. One senior,Nikhil, adviced us on the same our rate PID tuning wasn't done the right way, also we were completely wrong about the kI coefficient. So, we were a bit demotivated to not meet a major goal like angle PID, forget about altitude holding and gps. We left and decided to start work in the morning itself the next day.

About the phases
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Harsh Paliwal on RC Trike

The project will be done in three phases.
Phase 1: The aim will be to check if the wing produces enough lift. We would be using a normal trainer plane fuselage and control surfaces for elevation and yaw.
Phase 2: We would be developing the weight shift mechanism, and making trike look alike fuselage. Wing from phase 1 would be used.
Phase 3: A lighter variant using carbon rods will be made. Aim will be to make a lighter, aesthetically pleasing, working model.

making of final plane.
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Ravish Raj on Gyro-Stabilized Plane

we were in need to make a model with hollow fuselage that has enough capacity as well as strength and can carry electronics items. So, as suggested by our mentor Shreyash we made our plane by strofoam, balsa wood and balsa ply. For PID tunning we need our plane in sight while tune so the plane must be slow (glide) as much as possible( we need high aspect ratio), since speed is less we need more therefore we decided our wing to be dihedral and increased our wing span.

Phase 1
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Harsh Paliwal on Pylon

The pair of pylons were made from balsa ply. They were screwed to the wing at the top, and inserted and glued with BondTite to the fuselage.
The length was 35 cm, with 7 cm inserted in the fuselage.

Phase 2 fuselage
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Harsh Paliwal on Fuselage

The wing did produce enough lift, as checked from phase one.
We decided to make a T shaped fuselage from aluminium spar of square cross section of 2.2 cm side. The pylon was 10 inches long.
The fuselage was initially cut sufficiently long to accommodate for varying the position of centre of gravity. We kept on decreasing the length afterwards.

Final Plane
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Ravish Raj on Gyro-Stabilized Plane

After malfunctioning of vaccum pump and lack of time, we finally decided to test our gyro coding circuit on a styro based a dihedral wing model.

Phase 1 fuselage
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Harsh Paliwal on Fuselage

The phase 1 fuselage was same as that of a trainer plane. Since our purpose was simply to check if the wing can generate enough lift, we chose to go with easy to make fuselage of trainer plane.

Day 36: 19/6/15
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

Unsuccesful tuning, not much work

Day 35: 18/6/15
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

I had completed making the board, I took it to my room yesterday and completed there. This one is much better than the previous ones. So, we assembled the quad again, and started tuning. But the vibrations are too much and the graphs on qgroundcontrol dont give any leads to the problem. We tried the other angle algorithm, the DCM, but either it was too slow to respond or it was too noisy. So, overall it wasn't as good as the quaternion algorithm which we have been using.

Day 34: 17/6/15
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

I(Sharun) started making a new board, Satya and Animesh had bought a new PCB with more hardness and better quality. Satya worked on debugging the code for a while.

Spar Caps
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Rama Kryszna on Saturn

To be written

Spar Core
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Rama Kryszna on Saturn

To be written

Laying the Fuselage
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Rama Kryszna on Saturn

To be written

Day 33: 16/6/15
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

Today, starting was just a waste of time, we could only wait for the batteries to get charged. Then, after 1 or 2 flights some error cropped in, the quadcopter flipped and crashed mid-flight. We debugged and found out that the MPU was giving wrong and random values. But when we removed the circuit board and connected the MPU directly it gave right values, so the circuit board was creating problems.

We decided to make a new one.

Day 32: 15/6/15
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

Well, the angles were measured again and by changing the beta coefficients in the angle code the update rate was improved and hoping to get better results we began tuning again. After a lot of attempts the kp for angles was finalised very low(0.02 to 0.05) and then we added a little kd term too. But the quad didn't perform that better, still the code without the angle PID was performing better. Then we tried adding a bit of kI term and it stabilized a bit. So after a lot of tuning attempts we left, deciding to look more into tuning better and choosing the beta coefficient in angles code.

Day 31: 14/6/15
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

We tried the different algorithms, but they didn't work as fine as the quaternian algo that we have been using. The pressure sensor code didn't seem to work too. No tuning could be done today.

Day 30: 13/6/15
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

The tuning of coefficients continues. The vibrations are reduced a little by tuning the P and D terms but we cannot get rid of them. May be the angles were too noisy. We planned on using other algorithms for improving angle estimation. I(Sharun) decided to look into DCM and Satya decided to find angles using DMP. Animesh was working miscellaneously on the sonar sensor. Rachit was writing the pressure sensor code.

telemetry with MAVink
posted 2 months, 1 week ago by Ravish Raj on Gyro-Stabilized Plane

autopilot type header file which will use HERTBEAT signals to receive data and wireless devices,,,,,,,

Day 29: 12/6/15
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

Wee moved on to testing the quad and tuning the PID coefficients for angles. The vibrations seemed difficult to be removed.

Connecting boosters to the sustainers
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Mohammad Ashraf on Rocket boosters

We were thinking to make U-rods, and connect it to the boosters. The pipes in which rods can go will be connected to the sustainers.

Booster Launcher
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Mohammad Ashraf on Rocket Launcher

We made slits in the wooden board to make sliders for the booster launcher. We inserted the nozzle in slit and made sliders; first from the aluminium sheet. However, The motion was restricted and the slide was not smooth. So we made them with the wood. Now the slide was smooth.
We took four 1 feet pipes, threaded at both ends. We reduced the diameter of the pipe using lathe so that bottle can slide over it easily.

Phase 2 Wing
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Harsh Paliwal on Wing cloth

The same umbrella cloth was used.
However, this time the cloth was attached completely stretched and under tension.
It was attached just under the leading edge of the frame.

Phase 1 wing
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Harsh Paliwal on Wing cloth

We used umbrella cloth as the material.
While attaching it to the wing, we kept it loose

Phase 2 Wing
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Harsh Paliwal on Frame

The frame was that of a rogallo wing. The leading edges were made of reinforced balsa rods from balsa sheets. Reinforcing was done with 80gsm glass fibre sheets. The spine was from 1.25cm thick square cross sectioned alumium spar. The three were joined to a balsa piece.
Additionally, two supporting ribs were installed to give stability. Ribs were of the same material as the leading edge of the wing.

Improving stabilization and Telemetry
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Ravish Raj on Programming

After gyro, we went on to use the accelerometer values. We have managed to filter out orientation from the data (including various noises), with the help of simple integration of errors and prediction of future orientation. We are also currently reading about MAVLink (telemetry) connection. After this we plan to compensate for error due to acceleration of plane.

Day 28: 11/6/15
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

//Beehive Removal

Day 27: 10/6/15
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

Today we calibrated the magnetometer by storing the data in txt format and when that was input to a software it gave all the necessary coefficients. This code was tested, and after a few trials of calibration we got it done. Then the calibrated values were employed for my(sharun's) angle estimation code and we were able to obtain better angles. But still sometimes the angles behave wierdly, they all start to change simultaneously, and rest of the times they work fine. We guess its a connection problem.

Day 26: 9/6/15
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Satya Panuganti on Wings on 4ire

I(Satya) got the quad to store parameters in EEPROM. Sharun and animesh soldered pins onto our MS-5611 sensor. We stored magnetometer data so that we can calibrate our magnetometer using ellipsoid fitting method in order to use our magnetometer in our angle estimation methods, making it possible for us to getter more accurate yaw angles. Animesh carried on working on his implementation of a Kalman filter.

Day 25: 8/6/15
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Satya Panuganti on Wings on 4ire

Sharun implemented an angle estimation code which uses gradient-descent method and quaternions, and then tuned the parameters associated with it. Rachit started coding for the MS-5611 barometer. I(Satya) wrote code which made live changing of PID gains possible(i.e while the quad is on and disarmed).

Day 24: 7/6/15
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Satya Panuganti on Wings on 4ire

We tuned our quadroter's PID gains further and redistributed among ourselves.

Day 23: 6/6/15
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Satya Panuganti on Wings on 4ire

We had trouble uploading code onto our Arduino Mega, leading to complications. Later, we ended up busy cleaning our Aeromodelling club HQ, which was in a state of chaos before.

Day 22: 5/6/14
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Satya Panuganti on Wings on 4ire

I(Satya) figured out build custom MAVLink messages and how to build a custom qgroundcontrol to use them. I got the quad to use Animesh's angle estimation code and modified our code to use dual PIDs for roll and pitch. We also decided against using BMP085 and instead opted MS-5611 instead due to concerns over reading delays and precision.

Day 21: 4/6/15.
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Satya Panuganti on Wings on 4ire

We tuned our quadrotor's rate PID gains. Animesh continued to code his version of an angle estimation algorithm which uses explicit complementary filter and quaternions. Rachit was working on BMP085 code. Sharun was working on the implementation of roll,pitch and yaw angles estimation using DCM.

Day 20: 3/6/15
posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

Finally the telemetry worked, the problem was- baud rate. We found out that there is a fixed baud rate at which telemtry works and it was 57600. Now we were able to run mavlink and collect data through qgroundcontrol software.

Making fuselage plug
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Prasang Gupta on Saturn

To be written ...

Making tail boom using cue stick
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Prasang Gupta on Saturn

1. Purchase a single piece cue stick which is conical for a longer length.
2. Select the part of the cue stick which is perfectly conical. Generally the tip of the stick is conical and smooth.
3. Apply 2-3 coatings of polishing wax on the stick to give a smooth and shiny finish to the surface.
4. Apply vaseline on the required part for making it smooth and slippery.
5. Roll 1-inch tape in the reverse direction ( i.e. sticky surface away from the cue stick ) carefully avoiding any wrinkles or bubbles as far as possible.
6. Cut out a mylar sheet of size accommodating the size of fibres that need to be put on the cue stick.
7. Cut out glass fibre and carbon fibre of the required size and place it on the mylar sheet one at a time.
8. Prepare epoxy-hardener mixture in the mass ratio 10:1.
9. Apply epoxy mixture to them and then apply it on the surface of the cue stick.
10. After all the layers are applied, tape the surface wiping off the extra epoxy oozing out from time to time.
11. Keep it for drying.
12. To take out the boom, hit the cue stick on the ground giving it a strong impulsive force, resulting in the removal of the boom.
13. Keep the boom in the sun to allow the epoxy on the internal surface to dry.
14. Sand the surface of the boom lightly ( after putting the boom on the cue stick to avoid the deformation of the boom due to compressive stress ) to make it smooth and also remove the tape stuck on the inner surface.

Connector Mechanism
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Mohammad Ashraf on Multi-Stage

Two bottles should be connected to each other using quick release connector. However, we could not get them anywhere in Kanpur city. So we, are planning to make an alternate connector mechanism. Work under progress.

Making of Boosters
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Mohammad Ashraf on Rocket boosters

We are using single 1.5 L water bottles as the boosters. We will connect the boosters the boosters with iron pipe.

Sticking of pipe connectors
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Mohammad Ashraf on Rocket Launcher

Earlier we tried to fix the connector (5-pipe connector) using adhesives i.e. DST and Doctor tape. However, it came off as there was much torque and force after connecting the pipes. So, we made 2 clamps to hold them. The connector can freely rotate and self adjust in the clamp.

Day 19: 2/6/15
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

I(Sharun) soldered the pins for magnetometer on our circuit board. After that we tried running telemetry once again, but it didn't help. So we started on with manual tuning.

fabrication of plane.
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Ravish Raj on Fabrication

Our main plane is going to be made up of pink foam with glass fiber coating and its fuselage will be hollow and made up of glass fiber only. But due to lack of vacuum pump we are unable to work on our main plane.
So, in order to test the code of aurdino we have one styrofoam plane ready and another styrofoam plane will be ready by today, and both of these styro plane are well strengthen.

Vacuum Bagging
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Prasang Gupta on Saturn


Making joiner tubes
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Prasang Gupta on Saturn

1. Apply vaseline / polishing wax on a carbon rod / tube which is going to be used as the joiner rod.
2. Apply tape in the reverse orientation (i.e Sticky surface away form the rod) in a spiral.
3. Cut glass fibre strips of width approximately 4 to 5 cm and length according to the length of the rod.
4. Prepare epoxy-hardener mixture of weight ratio 10:1. Stir gently to avoid introducing air bubbles.
5. Cut out a mylar sheet of size accommodating the glass fibre strips comfortably.
6. Put the glass fibre strip on the mylar sheet and apply epoxy mixture to it using brush (wearing gloves for protection) such that it sticks to the sheet smoothly and no part of the strip is protruding out of the plane of the mylar sheet.
7. Put a strip of tissue paper on the fibre and press with paint roller gently to take out extra epoxy and take out the tissue paper when no more epoxy is being absorbed.
8. Lift the glass fibre sheet and apply it on the carbon rod in a slanting manner. Apply as many layers of glass fibre as per your requirement.
9. Tape the carbon rod (with glass fibre sheets on) gently.
10. Leave the rod to dry for about 2 - 3 hours.
11. After the epoxy has cured, remove the tape.
12. Hold the carbon rod using pliers and pull the rod gently, occasionally rotating the rod for easing out the process.
13. Again put the joiner tubes under sunlight for final curing.

Day 18: 1/6/15
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

Satya and me(Sharun) tried serial communicationo by another telemetry assuming that something was wrong with the one that we used yesterday. But it turned out that this one was behaving the same, giving garbage on the console. We adjusted gains of the sensors through manual testing.
Animesh ran quaternian code, but it didn't give desired results today. I wrote the code for DCM, but there was some problem with my arduino software and couldn't test it.

Basic gyro-stabilization done
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Ravish Raj on Programming

2 days ago we had completed our basic code(including receiver/output) which only uses gyro for now. The tasks left now are to insert proper values in our code and creating the circuit board for Arduino, MPU (which will be completed today). After this we will test this on our basic workshop fabricated plane.

Day 17: 31/5/15
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

The testing couldn't be repeated today due to lack of motors, which were employed in other projects of the club. I started writing the code for DCM. Animesh was done writing the quaternian code, but it needed debugging. Rachit tested the barometer code and started studying about the gps. Me and Satya tried running qgroundcontrol software by connecting the arduino through usb, and it ran fine, it was really cool to see the graphs being plotted on real time data. We then tried the same using telemetry, but it didn't work. We tried to troubleshoot this a lot but it didn't work. May be there was a problem with the telemetry, so we thought of trying the same on a different telemetry tomorrow.

Day 16: 30/5/15
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

I(Sharun) studied about DCM, because the next obvious step for stabilizing the quadcopter was the angle estimation, starlino guide proved to be useful. Satya tried mavlink by connecting through usb, on the qgroundcontrol software. Animesh continued to work on quaternian(which also is used for angle estimation, its just that we wanted to try both the methods). Rachit wrote the code for collecting raw data for barometer, because it was the next sensor to come up on our board.

Other than that, the testing of the same quad was done once more, it didn't work out as good as last time. I also tried to repair a not working solder wire, created an all new connection, but it still didn't work, the cord was not working. We also made the connection for connecting telemetry to the arduino.

Day 15: 29/5/15
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

Today the team started work in the noon itself. Till the evening we completed soldering the new circuit board. Satya tested the magnetometer code and printed its data. Animesh and Rachit worked on the quaternian.
In the night time we tested the quad which was getting stabilized only on the gyroscope values for now and with only low pass filter of the IMU. Despite the not-so-advanced code which was done till now, the quad was more stable than expected, though it was still far from what we want to achieve.

Day 14: 28/5/15
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

We added wires to the circuit board. But later the board was ruined when a couple of pins got shorted with each other and also the pins were soldered poorly so we decided to make a new one. I(Sharun) started practicing flying of a helicopter on the simulator. Me and Animesh completed SD card data logging. Rachit continued his work on quaternian. Satya completed implementing mavlink.

Day 13: 27/5/15
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

I(sharun) started soldering the circuit board that fitted both arduino due and mega. All pins were soldered but the wires were left. We assembled our quadcopter for the first time, caliberated the esc's and checked the connections and motors. Satya also printed the response in motor PWM's to the change in orientation of the quad.

Day 12: 26/5/15
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

Today we started assembling our quad. Satya and Rachit completed the code with the all the miniature finishings. Rest of the time there was evaluation.

Day 11: 25/5/15
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire


Day 10: 24/5/15
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

Today we didn't do much work. Moreover, there were nocoordinators and few of the other teams up for work. So we studied on our own today.

Day 9: 23/5/15
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire


Day 8: 22/5/15
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire


Day 7: 21/5/15
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

Circuit board soldering couldn't be started today due to lack of equipments. We wrote PID codes today. Rachit and Animesh wrote a PID code and then tuned it. Me(Sharun) and Satya wrote a different PID code and then using it, we tried stabilising the servo at a certain angle which otherwise is rotating proportional to the gyroscope value along one axis. Circuit board soldering was postponed for tomorrow.

Day 6:20/5/15
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

We wrote the code for reciever using pin change interrupt. It was decided that circuit designing would mainly be mine(Sharun's) job, so i tried practicing soldering on spare boards and we decided to start making the circuit boards tomorrow. The other members wrote the PID code and we discussed about it.

Day 5:19/5/15
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

We all tried our first hands on soldering circuit boards today. We also wrote the code for reciever and monitored the raw data initially from 1 channels and then moved on to 4 channels. We read further about PID.

Day 4:18/5/15
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

We studied further about concepts in coding an arduino, a few more libraries. We discussed and arrived at our circuit for the quad copter which mainly comprised of MPU6050, BMP085 and arduino mega2560. We also succeeded in controlling the speed of a brushless motor using arduino. Having studied how to extract raw data from an MPU sensor we implemented it and studied the MPUs data at different baud rates. After that we turned on the low pass filter in the MPU.

Day 3: 17/5/15
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

We got familiar with the basic codes for blinking led's and also the servo libraries, and studied about PWM. We tried them practically on arduino mega2560. We were able to control the angle to which the servo rotated. We also tried controlling the speed of a motor but couldn't do it today. We almost finished our styro plane workshop too. The slits for aileron servos and tail servos were made.

Day 2: 16/5/15
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

We now have a clear idea about the various communication protocols(uart,i2c,sli). We also studied about arduino from the official website, got to know about the various basic tasks with led's and servos that you could do using arduino. We also moved on with the styro plane workshop, today we sanded them further and started taping the components.

Day 1: 15/5/15
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar on Wings on 4ire

We team members met today, started the background study about arduino and communication protocols. We also started the styro-plane workshop. We cut out the fuselage, wings and tails out of styro sheet and sanded them.

Laser Cutting
posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Amit Ranjan on Yak 55

We are done with the planning of the balsa plan. We have now moved to cutting of balsa wood by using laser cutter of the 4i lab. It took us around 2 hours to get all the pieces cut. After getting all the pieces removed from balsa, we now arranged the rudder piece by piece and almost completed it as of now.

MPU coding
posted 3 months ago by Ravish Raj on Programming

completed the MPU coding and have taken the raw data of gyro axes and for mapping it with angle

26th may : Report

Everything went as planned ,according to timeline .

Plane design was completed : We choose Fx63137 airfoil as its Cl value and shape met all our requirements.

wing-span :150cm
chord length : 24 cm

Arduino Mega-1
(Metal gear-3, Normal-5)
Carbon Fiber rods
IMU sensor
PID controller

Coding team successfully tested the arduino with servo , motor , receiver .

Start Project: The first step

Th e first thing and the most important thing in any project is to make the timeline of the project.We divided are team into two parts:

1. Fabrication and Design Team : Abhimanyu Kulkarni , Rishabh Vaish
2. Coding and Testing Team: Praveen Kumar,Devendra Meena,Prashant Saxena

The timeline was decided as follows :

20-26 may :1.Basic plane design ready
2.Arduino basics - running servo , motor , receiver and transmitter

27-29 may :1. start wing farbrication
2.PID coding

30-31 may:1.Boom and tilt rotor fabrication
2. IMU coding

1-4 june : 1. fuselage and tail fabrication
2. Integration of code

5-7 june : Completing the project

7-15 june: testing and tuning

posted 3 months ago by Amit Ranjan on Yak 55

We have made the scale down model on AutoCAD. Now we would be partitioning it and will get the parts to be put up on a 76mmx600mm balsa wood. This parts would be then cut by the laser cutter present at 4i lab. Laser printer accepts an AutoCAD file and cuts the desired design.

Type and dimensions
posted 3 months ago by Mohammad Ashraf on Rocket Launcher

We have started our work on high pressure water rocket launcher which incorporates boosters. The base is made of roughly 20cmx20cm wooden board with stands. All the pneumatics are below the board. We are using rubber pipes of sufficient thickness, aluminium sheet sliders for booster launcher.

making of plane.
posted 3 months ago by Ravish Raj on Fabrication

We have prepared the core for the horizontal stabilizer, vertical stabilizer and wing with pink foam and the mold for fuselage with Styrofoam. Now our work is to cover with glass fiber and carbon fiber.

Adhesive used to join bottles
posted 3 months ago by Mohammad Ashraf on Sustainer (Bottle Rockets)

We tried all types of adhesives, beginning from fevicol, DST tape, tyre glue and rubber adhesives.
However, there were leakage issues with some of them. Morover, since it is a water rocket, usage of water reduced the adhesive property in some of them. We even tried sealants, like silicon sealants, but it could not bear much pressure. There was leakage after certain pressure. After a lot of research, we found people using polyurethane. Though it was quite difficult to procure it from local market, we managed to get it. Finally we had found the adhesive of our liking, since it could bear pressure upto 4 bar quite comfortably.

Study and Preparation
posted 3 months ago by Ravish Raj on Programming

We studied about Arduino mega coding/ pins. We ran some sample codes on the Arduino Mega.
Then we went through the code for quadcopter available in the internet.

Gravity Hot Wire Cutter
posted 3 months ago by Prasang Gupta on Saturn

For making this, we first made the cutting bow and fixed wheels for removing drag and ease its movement, Then we made the fixed arm with Aluminium I-section and the rotating frame with Aluminium Box and joined them using a small piece of wood. We fixed the fixed arm on the vertical face of the tabletop. We drilled holes in the aluminum boxes and attached the pulleys at appropriate positions. We then attached the cutting bow to the arms with badminton racket wire through pulleys ensuring that the tension and the lengths of both the wires attached to the ends of bow are equal.

Precautions for Operation :
1. Tension and length of both the wires at the ends of the cutting bow should be equal.
2. First cut the upper surface of the airfoil from the back.
3. Keep the crocodile pins not too far off from each other.
4. Smoothen the upper surface of the airfoil either by taping or by applying Fevi-Kwik and then sandpaper.
5. The wire should be placed parallel to the cutting surface and no initial tension should be there.
6. The Cutter should be turned off only when the wire is out of the foam.
7. Keep extra weight ready to be added in case of any stoppages of cutter.
8. The weights and wires should be attached properly.

Robotics Club

No insights yet