A multirotor flying bot( quadcopter)

38 Insights
Day 38: 21/6/15
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

We started the tuning over again, I(Sharun) flew the quadcopter today. Things went smooth we found the sweet spot for kP for the rate of roll and pitch. Then ...

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Day 37: 20/6/15
posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

We figured out the problem with our tuning. One senior,Nikhil, adviced us on the same our rate PID tuning wasn't done the right way, also we were completely ...

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Day 36: 19/6/15
posted 3 months ago by Sharun Kuhar

Unsuccesful tuning, not much work

Day 35: 18/6/15
posted 3 months ago by Sharun Kuhar

I had completed making the board, I took it to my room yesterday and completed there. This one is much better than the previous ones. So, we assembled the quad ...

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Day 34: 17/6/15
posted 3 months ago by Sharun Kuhar

I(Sharun) started making a new board, Satya and Animesh had bought a new PCB with more hardness and better quality. Satya worked on debugging the code for a while.

Day 33: 16/6/15
posted 3 months ago by Sharun Kuhar

Today, starting was just a waste of time, we could only wait for the batteries to get charged. Then, after 1 or 2 flights some error cropped in, the quadcopter ...

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Day 32: 15/6/15
posted 3 months ago by Sharun Kuhar

Well, the angles were measured again and by changing the beta coefficients in the angle code the update rate was improved and hoping to get better results we began tuning ...

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Day 31: 14/6/15
posted 3 months ago by Sharun Kuhar

We tried the different algorithms, but they didn't work as fine as the quaternian algo that we have been using. The pressure sensor code didn't seem to work ...

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Day 30: 13/6/15
posted 3 months ago by Sharun Kuhar

The tuning of coefficients continues. The vibrations are reduced a little by tuning the P and D terms but we cannot get rid of them. May be the angles were ...

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Day 29: 12/6/15
posted 3 months ago by Sharun Kuhar

Wee moved on to testing the quad and tuning the PID coefficients for angles. The vibrations seemed difficult to be removed.

Day 28: 11/6/15
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Sharun Kuhar

//Beehive Removal

Day 27: 10/6/15
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Sharun Kuhar

Today we calibrated the magnetometer by storing the data in txt format and when that was input to a software it gave all the necessary coefficients. This code was tested ...

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Day 26: 9/6/15
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Satya Panuganti

I(Satya) got the quad to store parameters in EEPROM. Sharun and animesh soldered pins onto our MS-5611 sensor. We stored magnetometer data so that we can calibrate our magnetometer ...

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Day 25: 8/6/15
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Satya Panuganti

Sharun implemented an angle estimation code which uses gradient-descent method and quaternions, and then tuned the parameters associated with it. Rachit started coding for the MS-5611 barometer. I(Satya) wrote ...

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Day 24: 7/6/15
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Satya Panuganti

We tuned our quadroter's PID gains further and redistributed among ourselves.

Day 23: 6/6/15
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Satya Panuganti

We had trouble uploading code onto our Arduino Mega, leading to complications. Later, we ended up busy cleaning our Aeromodelling club HQ, which was in a state of chaos before.

Day 22: 5/6/14
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Satya Panuganti

I(Satya) figured out build custom MAVLink messages and how to build a custom qgroundcontrol to use them. I got the quad to use Animesh's angle estimation code and ...

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Day 21: 4/6/15.
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Satya Panuganti

We tuned our quadrotor's rate PID gains. Animesh continued to code his version of an angle estimation algorithm which uses explicit complementary filter and quaternions. Rachit was working on ...

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Day 20: 3/6/15
posted 3 months, 1 week ago by Sharun Kuhar

Finally the telemetry worked, the problem was- baud rate. We found out that there is a fixed baud rate at which telemtry works and it was 57600. Now we were ...

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Day 19: 2/6/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

I(Sharun) soldered the pins for magnetometer on our circuit board. After that we tried running telemetry once again, but it didn't help. So we started on with manual ...

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Day 18: 1/6/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

Satya and me(Sharun) tried serial communicationo by another telemetry assuming that something was wrong with the one that we used yesterday. But it turned out that this one was ...

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Day 17: 31/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

The testing couldn't be repeated today due to lack of motors, which were employed in other projects of the club. I started writing the code for DCM. Animesh was ...

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Day 16: 30/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

I(Sharun) studied about DCM, because the next obvious step for stabilizing the quadcopter was the angle estimation, starlino guide proved to be useful. Satya tried mavlink by connecting through ...

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Day 15: 29/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

Today the team started work in the noon itself. Till the evening we completed soldering the new circuit board. Satya tested the magnetometer code and printed its data. Animesh and ...

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Day 14: 28/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

We added wires to the circuit board. But later the board was ruined when a couple of pins got shorted with each other and also the pins were soldered poorly ...

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Day 13: 27/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

I(sharun) started soldering the circuit board that fitted both arduino due and mega. All pins were soldered but the wires were left. We assembled our quadcopter for the first ...

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Day 12: 26/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

Today we started assembling our quad. Satya and Rachit completed the code with the all the miniature finishings. Rest of the time there was evaluation.

Day 11: 25/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar


Day 10: 24/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

Today we didn't do much work. Moreover, there were nocoordinators and few of the other teams up for work. So we studied on our own today.

Day 9: 23/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar


Day 8: 22/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar


Day 7: 21/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

Circuit board soldering couldn't be started today due to lack of equipments. We wrote PID codes today. Rachit and Animesh wrote a PID code and then tuned it. Me ...

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Day 6:20/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

We wrote the code for reciever using pin change interrupt. It was decided that circuit designing would mainly be mine(Sharun's) job, so i tried practicing soldering on spare ...

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Day 5:19/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

We all tried our first hands on soldering circuit boards today. We also wrote the code for reciever and monitored the raw data initially from 1 channels and then moved ...

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Day 4:18/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

We studied further about concepts in coding an arduino, a few more libraries. We discussed and arrived at our circuit for the quad copter which mainly comprised of MPU6050, BMP085 ...

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Day 3: 17/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

We got familiar with the basic codes for blinking led's and also the servo libraries, and studied about PWM. We tried them practically on arduino mega2560. We were able ...

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Day 2: 16/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

We now have a clear idea about the various communication protocols(uart,i2c,sli). We also studied about arduino from the official website, got to know about the various basic ...

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Day 1: 15/5/15
posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Sharun Kuhar

We team members met today, started the background study about arduino and communication protocols. We also started the styro-plane workshop. We cut out the fuselage, wings and tails out of ...

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3 Files
Quad-anglepid-3.2-mag calib-fourthorder.rar
uploaded 3 months, 1 week ago by Sharun Kuhar Download File
The quadcopter code. This version featured: data collection and calibration from the IMU with low pass filter,angle estimation through quaternian(gradient descent algo), PID over IMU, PID over angles, MAVLINK for using telemetry, reciever code. Also added fourth order filter. This code was able to provide ample stability to the quadcopter.
Quad-anglepid-3.1-mag calib.rar
uploaded 3 months, 1 week ago by Sharun Kuhar Download File
The quadcopter code. This version featured: data collection and calibration from the IMU with low pass filter,angle estimation through quaternian(gradient descent algo), PID over IMU, PID over angles, MAVLINK for using telemetry, reciever code. This code was able to provide ample stability to the quadcopter.
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