Water Level Detector

Made by:  Swapnil Bhirud

What is this?

The idea of Water Level Indicator is to be able to tell how much water is in which dispenser without leaving your own wing.


Status: Completed
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There is no need to remove ATMEGA168 from the circuit when you are coding it using Arduino.Connect 5 wires- VCC,GND,RX,TX and RESET between the arduino and MCU.It saves a lot of time.

By Swapnil

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ATMEGA coding is frustrating and it is still difficult to find a USBtiny programmer for it,though you can make it on your own

By Swapnil

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Orient the microcontroller properlty when fixing on the Arduino according to marking on Arduino

By Swapnil

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If you write the program on the ATMEGA using Arduino you must have a 16MHz crystal and 2 22picoFards capacitor

By Swapnil

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If you must cut down costs, use ATMEGA8, ATMEGA168 or an ATMEGA328 instead of an Arduino.They can be bootloaded using an Arduino(no need for bootloading if you use an ATMEGA which you get with Arduino) and programmed using the Arduino coding.We used ATMEGA168 as ATMEGA8 does not have ADC

By Swapnil

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Sometimes the plywood may bend more than the load cell distorting the shape of the structure

By Swapnil

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All weighing machines are based on the same principle of weight changing the property of the beam(resistance in our case)

By Swapnil

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