Raspberry pi based remote control robot

What is this?

We made a remote control robot that can be controlled from laptop. On the robot there is a raspberry pi. The laptop communicates with the raspberry pi over wifi. Raspberry pi controls the


Status: Completed
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Raspberry Pi is a mini computer. Pi-Face is an accessory for Raspberry Pi to connect with the real world. Using PiFace, Raspberry Pi can connect to motors or even your electric appliances.

By Athul

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Coding the robot - Logic

We wrote the code such that when you press 'w' the robot moves forward, press 'a' to turn left, 'd' to turn right and 's' to stop.

By Athul

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Controlling the robot from another laptop

We connected the Raspberry Pi to wifi network. We then used virtual desktop to connect to the Raspberry from another laptop. From this laptop we then ran the code on the Raspberry Pi and tada now we can control a robot from another laptop

By Sabarinath

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Future plans

Notice how the Robot cannot take reverse. Next we will modify the code so that it can take reverse also. Also we want to attach a phone camera on the robot so that we can see where the robot is going

By Athul

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Using Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi was really very simple to use. It was easy to set up. We also played games on the Raspberry Pi.

By Sabarinath

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What is a Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is a mini computer. It can do everything that a computer can do. We can play games on it, browse the internet, watch videos, and anything that you do on a normal computer. Raspberry Pi better that normal computers because of its size. Because it is really small we can place it on small robots etc and use it to control it.

By Sabarinath

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