Getting started with Raspberry Pi

Made by:  Kevin John

What is this?

This guide is for newbies who’ve just got your Raspberry Pi or waiting for one to get shipped.


Status: Completed
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Change the default password if you intent to use the Pi over the internet

The default username and password of the Raspbian os is “pi” and “raspberry”. It is not safe to leave the password as it is because there is a risk of someone else accessing your Pi if you plan to make your Raspberry Pi accessible over the internet in your project at a later stage.

By Kevin

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You will need a separete SD card formatting tool.

Just hitting the format tool on your Windows PC won’t work always. You need the SDCard Formatter Tool. . Try this -

By Kevin

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Set date and time

The easiest way to set date and time - sudo date --set="27 March 2014 10:00:00"

By Kevin

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