Getting to know Raspberry PI

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Using Raspberry Pi for the first time. Exploring what can be done with a Raspberry Pi and some related peripherals.


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PIface setup

A tutorial specific to getting started with piface />
Explains emulator also.

By Alex

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Setting up SSH

Best tutorial for setting up SSH -

By Alex

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PI Face setup walk though

The links that we used to setup PiFace - This one had an example code that could turn on LEDs

By Alex

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Issue with PiFace emulator

PiFace emulator was not opening. It was giving some random python error. Error seems to say it had something to do with python3 and python2 being on the same comp. We just removed python3 and reinstalled it. Then it worked. We are not sure how but it does.

By Alex

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WIFI Setup

We followed this tutorial to setup the wifi -

By Siddardha

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SD card class

You need atleast a class 4 SD card. Be careful of really cheap SD cards.

By Gokul

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Preparing an SD card

If you dont have an SD card with a version of Raspberry Pi, you can follow this tutorial to install Raspbian on a SD card

By Gokul

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PiFace emulator - This works great.

By Kedar

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Proxy issues

The network that we were on had proxy on it. While ssh-ing since my laptop and the Pi was on the same network, proxy was not an issue, but when I wanted to run linux command to update the packages, I needed to sort out the proxy issue. We did it using this tutorial -

By Siddardha

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Using remote desktop

Setting up remote desktop for raspberry pi and viewing that on windows was very simple. sudo apt-get install xrdp and it can be viewed from windows remote desktop. Reference article used -

By Alex

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Using a Pen Drive for copying

Raspberry Pi sometimes might cause trouble while copying/moving files into pen drives/flash drives. It might copy some files and for the rest its gives an error message stating of Read Only File System.

This is because the pen drive was not inserted to the USB port before switching on the raspberry pi. It isnt very fond of hot-swapping.

By Gokul

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SD card cloning

If you are planning to use your newly updated and changed version of Raspbian for all your other RPIs then you need to clone the SD card. There is a very good link which explains how to do it for windows. It is slightly needs more clicks than mac i suppose but the link explains it very well.

By Gokul

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Pre-Installed SD Card

Getting a sd card with a copy of raspbian installed is very convenient for beginners.

By Alex

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