Which is the best software for simulation for this project?
Open Madhav Kandukuri opened this issue 3 months, 1 week ago
Madhav Kandukuri

We have electronics, motors and some physical parts. What has been your experience using various softwares for each of these?<br><br><br>

Anool Mahidharia

For EDA, I'd recommend KiCad. For the Mech CAD, FreeCad. Both are excellent, and Open Source.

Anool Mahidharia

For EDA, I'd recommend KiCad. For the Mech CAD, FreeCad. Both are excellent, and Open Source.

Alex JV

Have not used FreeCad. I am sure it is not fair to compare it to Autodesk inventor but curios to know how does it compare to it.

Zak Homuth

I'd recommend taking a look at upverter.com for the EDA. It's used by most of the largest open hardware projects in the world (Open Compute, OpenROV, OpenECO, etc), is designed for collaboration, and runs in the browser.

Alex JV

Hi Zak, totally floored that you are commending on this !

Would love to use Upverter. Do you provide API integration? This is so that we can link updates from upverter. We are doing a similar integration with Github for the firmware.

One of the problems that we face atleast in India is that we have intermittent internet. Online EDA could be a problem then.


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This issue was opened 3 months, 1 week ago