
Choices on Wheel size/diameter
posted 3 months ago by Alex JV

What wheel diameter can we use for the unicycle. <br><br>SBU has 16 inch wheels. Most chinese versions have 14 inch wheels. What wheel diameter should be use? Can wheel diameters are available for us?<br><br><br>

1 answer

16" is preferred as we intent to use higher power motors. The motors generally require more diameter. Also larger wheel diameter means we can use them on Indian roads. <br><br>Regarding what wheel is available for our use - We have a couple of options based on the scooters that are setting in India. <br><br>Wego has 18inch wheels. - This might be a little too much. <br>Scooty pep has 16 inch wheels - This might do ! <br><br><br>

posted 3 months ago by Alex JV leave a comment

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